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Project Reclamation Podcast

Apr 16, 2018

Episode 11: Keanu Reeves

In this episode we discuss Keanu Reeves, and why he just might qualify as a modern day, Hollywood Robin Hood.

Apr 9, 2018

Episode:10 Overcoming Adversity
JB & Steve's Biggest Adversity Is Having Tim As A Friend

In this episode we discuss our biggest adversities we've faced and how we overcame them.  We dive into the difficulty of adversity and how everyone's can be different, but that doesn't mean yours are any more or less relevant.  We...

Apr 2, 2018

Episode 9: Cheat Vol2

Another Cheat Day

No topic, free for all.

Submit Listener Questions for us to answer on Cheat Days.  Ask us anything....seriously.

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