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Project Reclamation Podcast

Sep 24, 2018

Episode 35: Fall Forward

In this episode, Steve is still tending to his personal and life development.  JB is back on the mic, and we dig into a speech that Denzel Washington delivered as a commencement speech at Penn.  We dissect his topic of falling forward, and see what we take away from them, and...

Sep 17, 2018

Episode 34: Make Your Bed
…And Punch Sharks in the Face

In this episode, Steve is still tending to his personal and life development.  JB is back on the mic, and we dig into a speech that Admiral McRaven delivered as a commencement speech at the University of Texas.  We dissect his 10 Life Lessons...

Sep 10, 2018

Episode 33: The Art of War Part IV
Welcome…To Jurassic Park

In this episode, Steve is still tending to his personal and life development, JB is busy bringing the newest member of Project Reclamation into the world, and so Tim & Shannon tackle the second half of the 2500 year old book, The Art of...

Sep 3, 2018

Episode 32: The Art of War Part III
This Is Sparta

In this episode, Steve is still tending to his personal and life development, and JB is busy bringing the newest member of Project Reclamation into the world, and so Tim & Shannon tackle the second half of the 2500 year old book, The Art of War.  We...