Jun 29, 2020
In this bonus episode, JB & Tim discuss the need we all probably have for some sort of therapy...and how we all have access to free therapy in some way, shape, or form.
Proud members of the Podbelly Podcast Network.
Go Pig Out On Podcasts!
Jun 22, 2020
In this bonus episode, JB & Tim get completely derailed...if they ever were actually railed...whatever that means. They channel their quarantine frustrations into what was meant to be a productive discussion about nostalgic movies, Mexican mangos, and saving money with generic tide pods...
Proud members of the Podbelly...
Jun 10, 2020
We're back in the saddle again! In this episode, Steve & Tim get back on the mic and discuss what their takeaways from quarantine, lockdown, were and what it's like to love in the time of covid.
Proud members of the Podbelly Podcast Network.
Pig out on Podcasts....check us out